He will multiply and spread
Across the earth.
Men will name him ‘pest’, and ‘invader’
farmers will call him ‘menace’ -
all will drive him from their lands.
But for his protection,
I will give this beloved,
mischievous bird
the gift of synchronous flight -
When danger threatens -
he will rise
with thousands of his kind
spinning and circling
dancing and weaving
carving and twisting
in formations
mimicking the creation
and dissolution of galaxies
darkening the sky -
a dismay to his enemies,
a wonder to his friends -
each little bird
on his own path
in harmony
with the flock
a murmuration of sound
and movement.”
And when he watched
their first flight,
the Creator said,
“It is good.”
To see the universal and all-pervading Spirit of Truth face to face, one must be able to love the meanest of all creation as oneself.
Mahatma Gandhi
If you haven’t ever seen a murmuration of starlings, this video on YouTube is amazing.
Also check out the beautiful work of photographer Soren Solkaer on starlings and their murmurations here: https://www.thisiscolossal.com/tags/soren-solkaer/
If you want to hear a sample of the variety of sounds a starling can make, check out @inkydragon (artist, Sarah Tidwell, who rescued a starling she calls “the mouth”) on Instagram. Here’s a link if you don’t have instagram or don’t want to follow: the mouth
The creation theme was inspired by a writing class I’m taking from tricycle.org called “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” and my genuine awe of the amazing abilities of these little birds I see everywhere, and am only just now really beginning to appreciate.
Hope you have a great week. See you next Friday!