If not for reverence, if not for wonder, if not for love, why have we come here?
Through the looking glass
A symmetry of turtles
(Tyler State Park, Texas)
a long dock leads
to an imaginary lake
Giants in ballroom dresses
Loom over the park
Lake Bistineau, Louisiana
Blue hour on the bayou
a great beauty in the distance
a small one close at hand
stillness reigns
(Davis Bayou Region, Gulf Islands National Seashore)
Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself.
Matsuo Basho
I hope you all had wonderful holidays! I’ll keep this short so you (and I) can get back to your year end celebrations.
Thank you so much for being here. See you again soon!
seagulls and pelicans reclaim a hurricane battered pier