I am going to try to pay attention to the spring. I am going to look around at all the flowers, and look up at the hectic trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen.
Anne Lamott
Texas Storksbill
Spring Arrival
Leaving behind a chilly wind,
And a little frost last night,
winter went away.
In the morning,
spring would arrive
with dewy promise.
I woke early-
going outside -
the roosters crowed,
and the sun rose
through cloudy skies.
I searched for signs:
Budding of trees,
Blooming of flowers,
Singing of birds,
Greening of grass,
And just like magic,
they were there,
and there I was
again to see it -
With wonder
And gratitude.
Prairie Verbena
Blossom by blossom the spring begins.
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Dandelion and Henbit Deadnettle
Bunch-flowered Daffodil and a camera-shy green insect
Anemone and Prickly Pear
Golden Crownbeard and a contented bee
Grackles ignoring the signs…
All of these photos were taken in Texas - in case you are wondering about the change of scenery.
Thank you for being here once again. I wanted to remind you of my challenge a few weeks ago:
I have a challenge for you! I’ve been playing with perspective all month - on and off- sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t; but it always makes me see things differently; and it’s fun. So, my challenge is this: take a picture of something ordinary. Your toaster, your coffee maker, some tracks in the snow, a shadow that falls on your wall… anything; but take it in an unusual way. Then, if you like it - share it with me! I will post a gallery of the images in a future blog! Send them to rhodatude@gmail.com and make sure to include a little description of what it is and how you took the picture.
(click here to see the entire original post) - please submit photos by April 1, 2023 if you want your photos to be included in my April 5 blog post. I hope you are having a lovely spring so far. See you next week.