Small birds throw seeds out of the feeder; large birds pick them up off the ground, but the squirrels try to muscle in. - Lilian Jackson Braun
10/05/2022 - Long stretch to the suet
We battle over
bird seed and suet.
you climb
the skinny pole,
slippery with grease
holding on with hind feet -
stretch your whole body
to grasp a bite,
while i sit
in my warm house
waiting to run you off.
10/05/2022 - Squirrel Eyeing me cautiously while climbing to the bird feeder
Do you wonder
out there in the cold-
why I would
tempt you
with sweet morsels
10/05/2022 Black Squirrel on Red Feeder (looking fearful)
then come out yelling
and waving my arms
when you eat them?
October 7, 2022
scurry and dray
small and light
they float
over the earth
arcing their bodies
curling their tails
a soft rustle
of leaves
a pause.
a leap.
into (or
out of)
the trees
to scurry
(A group of squirrels is either called a scurry or a dray - but scurry is how they move, and dray is what their nests are called…)
October 2 - October 7, 2022 - I found a pile of acorns on the beach before sunset on Sunday night - and had the bright idea to make a squirrel shape in the sand with them… I always think of squirrels when I see acorns … I thought it would be fun to take a picture of it every day - to see the decline…as it happened; the whole thing stayed intact for days. Until a storm came and it disappeared. My footprints are where it should have been in the last picture. It’s the nature of ephemeral creations - you can’t predict their endings.