Photo Journal

Seagull at the Lake

Taken November 2016 by Lake Michigan Shoreline in Fennville, Michigan

I saw a seagull hanging out by a lake, but I said “Don’t worry Dude. I won’t say anything.”
— Mitch Hedberg

I think this is a ring-billed gull.  I see more of them in the late fall, and they are less afraid than the gulls I usually see in the summer.  This one didn't fly away while I was taking pictures.  He was also fearless about the cold waves crashing toward him from the lake. 

Deer in the Garden

October 2016 Near Lake Michigan in Fennville

October 2016 Near Lake Michigan in Fennville

In wildness is the preservation of the world.
— Henry David Thoreau

The deer are not very afraid of me any more.  They let me get close or try to scare me away now.  Sometimes a mother will screech and stomp her foot at me.  I don't hang around when she does!  I never get tired of seeing them around our house.